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Stay on track with free reminder alerts and tips for college!
Stay on top of college with text and email reminders for important college dates.
It’s free and easy to use. Start by finding a college calendar and selecting dates. Then we’ll send the reminders plus motivation and tips for college straight to your phone! You can also add your own custom entries for reminder alerts.
How you get your alerts is up to you. You set how far in advance you want to get a reminder alert and if you want to receive it through text message, email, or both.
Cue365 helps students stay on track throughout the college experience. Getting into college is a huge deal and an even bigger process with so many deadlines and dates to remember. That's why we created Cue365, the tool that will help you get into and through college by staying on track with simple reminders sent straight to your phone.
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is key. Sign up.
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